Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting Back on the Bike (literally)

Today Rod (my hubby) and I are both pretty sore from all of yesterday's exertions. My back is sore from my shoulder blades down to my lumbar region, the upper back from the sawing and the lower back from the digging. At least I know that I got a good workout :) Today I decided to ride my bike to work and back so that my lower body now matches my upper body in soreness. It was a good ride, except for the insanely strong wind along parts of my route, and it reminded me how much I enjoy riding my bike. If we are still living in the condo by the time school starts I think I am going to start riding my bike to class every day, it is a good 20 minute ride each way and it is a nice way to start and end the day.
I also decided today that I am going to try my hand at running again. Rod and I used to run every morning when we were in Washington, but have been out of the habit for a few years now. I think we got discouraged because we didn't really have a goal that we were working towards and we also tried to start off doing too much too soon and we eventually just stopped. Today I discovered the couch to 5k program, a nine week program designed to get newbies started, with the expectation that by week nine they will be ready to run a 5k. I have never so much as thought about running an organized race, it seems very intimidating, but I have decided to give it a try. Rod agreed to do the program with me including run a 5k with me at the end, which is a big boost knowing that I won't have to do it alone. For some reason I have gotten the feeling lately that the universe is trying to direct me towards running again, it could be the random emails from runners world (I don't know how I got on their mailing list), the food blogs that I have been reading lately that also discuss running, or my wonderful friend Ana who keeps inviting me to do 5ks with her, but I am starting to feel like it is time to give it another try. I am hoping that the couch to 5k program will give me the direction and motivation that I need to be successful this time around. I am also thinking that the nicer climate and huge number of races that Albuquerque has to offer will be a nice incentive.
I think we are going to start the program next week after we get back from visiting my in-laws in El Paso for the 4th of July. I love my in-laws, they are wonderful people, but they always stuff me full of tortillas, beans and cheese while I am there, while at the same time there is no opportunity for exercise. I always come back from their place feeling sluggish and bloated, so I figure I will be more than ready to start getting my butt into shape upon my return. I am pretty excited about all of the possibilities and I will definitely be blogging about my progress as I work through the program. Stay tuned!

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